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American Equity

Updated: Mar 5

Carrier Specific Training and State Annuity Training must be completed prior to soliciting business.

Failure to complete the required training will result in significant delays which often includes newly signed paperwork.


Access product specific training here:

Agents NOT Currently Active

  1. Log in and select your resident state, type in the resident state insurance license number, the last 4 digits of your social security number, and your last name, then click the LOGIN button.

  2. Select a product training module from the menu and click on the Training tab under the product name and description.

  3. View the Product Training Presentation.

  4. After viewing the presentation, click the “x” in the upper right-hand corner of the window to close the window and return to the menu.

  5. Select the Training Questions tab below the product name and description of the product you have just viewed.

  6. Answer the questions by clicking on the circle in front of the answer you choose.

  7. After you have answered all the questions click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page to register the training with American Equity.

  8. If all your answers are correct, it will return you to the product training menu. If your answers are not all correct, the system will tell you and prompt you to answer the questions again until all are correct.

  9. You should see the word Completed in green next to the name of the product you completed training for.

Agents with ACTIVE Writing Code

  1. Log in using your agent number as your log-in ID and your password. If you are logging in for the first time, your password will be your agent number plus the last 4 digits of your social security number. After you log in, the website will prompt you to change your password.

  2. From the menu on the left side of the screen, select the Training tab.

  3. Select Product Specific Training, which will be the first choice on the menu in the center of the page.

  4. Select a product training module from the menu and click on the Training tab under the product name and description.

  5. View the Product Training Presentation.

  6. After viewing the presentation, click the “x” in the upper right-hand corner of the window to close the window and return to the menu.

  7. Select the Training Questions tab below the product name and description of the product you have just viewed.

  8. Answer the questions by clicking on the circle in front of the answer you choose.

  9. After you have answered all the questions, click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page to register the training with American Equity.

  10. If all your answers are correct, it will return you to the product training menu. If your answers are not all correct, the system will tell you and prompt you to answer the questions again until all are correct.

  11. You will then see the word Completed in green next to the name of the product you completed.

For questions please contact American Equity licensing at 888.221.1234


Subject to change based on state and carrier requirements.



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